So, now that the 30 day challenge is completed, what is next? Well, at the end of the book, "Strangest Secret to Success," it says this:
Take your 30-day test, then repeat it, then repeat it again. Each time it will become more a part of you until you'll wonder how you could have ever have lived any other way. Live this new way and the floodgates of abundance will open and pour over you more riches than you may have dreamed existed. Money? Yes, lots of it. But what's more important you'll have'll be in that wonderful minority who lead calm, cheerful successful lives.
So, now that I have finished the first 30 days, I will start over. This time, I will set a more specific and challenging goal. This time I will focus more on taking action than on attitude. Attitude is still important, but now I realize how much change there is in attitude when you take more action. One of the quotes I have posted on my refrigerator says this, "DO the thing you fear and death of fear is certain!" Doing--taking action--is key to controlling your thoughts and key to achieving your goals.
This will be the last post I will make regarding this challenge. I don't plan to do daily posts about the next 30-day challenge; although it may from time to time become a part of something that is posted. If you have taken this challenge with me, let me know. I will benefit from knowing how you did. If you would like to begin a new 30-day challenge, let me know and we can become a support system for each other. Whatever you do, thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you. I'll leave you with this quote from Ryan Montgomery, who is one of the CEO's in Reliv International, "It isn't where you start that is important, it's where you end."
I think this challenge has been very enabling to you, or anyone else who may have taken it with you; or who will do so in the future. People can still find it and begin it. It reminds me of the 'old-fashioned' train trips we used to take. You have arrived at the first stop on a journey, added to your agenda, and are now ready for another leg of the trip.