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Monday, March 1, 2010

An "Odd" Book Review

An Odd Book

I chose this book at random, not by design; I just happened upon it. First, the title caught my eye, and the very descriptive description further convinced me to take the book home and see for myself what was contained within its pages.

I picked up the book again, some days later. In the last paragraph of page one I read, “But these days I do not sleep as well as I did when I was young. I am twenty-one and much older than when I was twenty.”

I thought what an odd statement for a twenty year old! I flipped back for another look at the title. Ah! I wondered how the title came about. A little later I found that Odd was the main character’s given name. Oh!

Odd is possessed of an unusual ability; a super extra sense that most of us don’t have. I, for one, feel fortunate not to share this ability, though it makes for interesting reading. Hmm! This Odd book seems to provoke thoughts such as Ah! Oh! Hmm!

Odd has no available family, but has acquired a family of friends who love him and support him through the precarious episodes his unusual ability compels him into.
I find Odd very endearing, a splendid character.

Now that I have found the Odd fellow, I see that the book I’ve just read is the second one featuring Odd Thomas, which is the name of the first Odd book , plus two more that follow. Now my search for same will be intentional and not random.

I won’t say more, I’ll just pique your curiosity by saying, “You’ll find out,” when you read it for yourself.

The name of the book is Forever Odd by Dean Koontz, who has a host of other books to his credit.


  1. Sounds intriguing! Koontz is always a good read.

  2. Makes me want to know more about this "Odd" person and just what he is up to.
