OK Tomorrow is the first day of the challenge and I'm excited but a little nervous: Excited about the possibilities but nervous about the commitment. Before we get started, I think there are a couple of things you should know.
First, this isn't mind-control, a get rich quick scheme, or something I just made up. The principles behind this 30-day challenge are based on knowledge, insight and results that credible people of influence have learned over time. Those references include: Earl Nightingale, Norman Vincent Peale, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Jesus Christ. (If you are under the age of 40 and reading this, do a google search on those names and you will learn who those people are. You may be more familiar with someone like John Maxwell who also written books that are supportive of this concept.)
Second, I am using the book, "The Strangest Secret to Success" by Earl Nightingale to guide me through this challenge. Therefore, throughout the next 30 days I will quote, reference and/or paraphrase various ideas from the book. I will acknowledge that source every time I use it. I will share my thoughts and experiences through this process with you. The intent is that both of us can benefit by experiencing and successfully completing the 30 days together. This book is available through Amazon.com as a kindle download for $6.00. It is a great resource and I would highly recommend it. However, you don't have to have a copy to go on this journey with me.
So, join me tomorrow and I'll layout the structure for the 30 days. Bring a 3x5 note card with you on Monday. You'll need that to begin the challenge.
"When I was a child, I talked like like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a woman, I put childish ways behind me." My goal is to achieve the potential of this child--yes that's me--and put childish ways and attitudes behind me.
I am reminded of the saying, "If you would change the world, first change yourself." Praying for you and all who take the challenge. I believe there is a very real possibility for this to be an enlightening experience, as the 'petals' of thought are defined, and refined.
ReplyDeleteYou continue to amaze me!