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Monday, August 31, 2009

And Now--Day 2

It's almost the end of Day 1 and I can truthfully say that it was a good day and I can count tomorrow as Day 2. I learned several things today that I will share with you.
1. One of the first things I did this morning (right after I made a pot of coffee!) I picked up my card and read it over several times. It was a great way to start the day and to get focused. I felt energized and good about my goal.
2. Although today was a busy day with several appointments and obligations that had little to do with my goal, I did not let that bring me down. In the past I would have started feeling frustrated because "other things" were keeping me from working on my goal. Today I just decided that was a part of negative thinking and I would work on my goal tonight.
3. One of my appointments was a haircut. So, I used that time to listen to conversations around me and I have a couple of opportunities to follow up on that are a part of my goal.
4. I stayed very positive right up until about 7 p.m. and then I heard my mind telling me, "You're too tired to talk to anyone." and "It's too late to talk to anyone." But, I recognized the fear for what it was and stopped the fear from winning. There is only one way to stop fear and that is to take action. One of the presenters at conference said, "Don't rehearse disaster." That is what fear is. It's letting your mind tell you what is going to happen and it's all bad. Taking action makes your mind shut up and whatever the result it is never as bad as what you have feared.
So, was today a success? Yes, it was. Will it be better tomorrow? I believe it will. One of the quotes that I highlighted in the book is this, "The moment you decide on a goal to work toward, you're immediately a successful person. You are then in that rare and successful category of people who know where they're going. Out of every hundred people, you belong to the top five." The Strangest Secret to Success So, I've told you where I am today...Where I was strong and where I stumbled. Where are you? Are you one of the top 5? You could be. So come on, join me and let's be on that stage together in Phoenix!


  1. "Don't rehearse disaster." I like that. It reminds me of another saying, "I'll bear the sorrow that comes tomorrow, but I'll borrow none today." And an even older one, "Don't trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you." Then there is this one that is uplifting and forward-looking, "As a man thinketh, so shall he be."

  2. Hi Barbara,

    I have enjoyed reading some of your blog. I haven't heard back from you regarding which cards you would like and wanted to make sure you received my emails. I have sent two and maybe they went to your spam?


  3. Barbara,

    Yes, I know what you mean about wondering if there is anyone out there actually reading our blogs and I completely understand about being busy! I just wanted to make sure that you didn't think I was rude and hadn't responded to your email.

    If you email me your address as well as your Mom's, I will mail the cards out to you. As I stated in my earlier email, I was just so excited to get my first inquiry that I will give you each four free cards...just let me know which four to send to which address, O.K.?

