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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 11: Take Action!

It's hard to believe that we are up to Day 11. Isn't it amazing how quickly the days are adding up? Today I read back through a portion of the book we're using to guide us through this process. If you don't have the book, you can go back to the blog for Day 8 and you'll find the section that leads up to what I'm talking about. Those ideas are summarized briefly for you here: 1) You will become what you think about; 2) Remember the word "imagination" and let your mind begin to soar. 3) Courageously concentrate on your goal every day.
I want to be sure that you didn't miss two very important words that were buried at the end of that third concept. Those two powerful words are: TAKE ACTION! Ideas are great but they are worthless unless we act on them.
So, my question for all of us today is, "What actions are you taking that will help you reach your goal?" Remember that card that we wrote our goal on that first day? Do you know where it is? Are you looking at it several times a day? Have you written down steps or actions that you know you need to do to reach that goal? If you haven't, then do something! If we only "think about" the goal, but don't "do anything" to reach the goal; it isn't a goal. It's wishful thinking and that will take you no where.

1 comment:

  1. You were always a person of action, as well as thought, so I hope others will be inspired to take action towards their own goals as well.
