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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 13: Rehearsing Disaster

"Everybody wants something; and, everybody fears something." Goals are about identifying what you want and that is the focus of this blog and the purpose of the book, "The Strangest Secret to Success." I am now well on my way on the road I have chosen that will lead me to my goal. But, there are still some obstacles to be tackled. One of the biggest of those obstacles is fear. Fear that is not recognized and controlled will not only cause delays in achieving a goal; it can completely wreck your plans and leave you emotionally disabled. The first thing we have to understand about fear is that most fears are not real. The fears that most of us struggle with are all in our mind; they are only imagined fears. As soon as we start thinking about something we are going to do, all of the potential ways in which that activity could go wrong immediately start swirling around in our minds. When that happens, we have two choices: We can dwell on those fears and rehearse all the ways they can result in some type of imagined disaster; or, we can immediately reject those fearful thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.
Any time we attempt to do something new our mind goes to work to protect us. it pulls from our life experiences and fears; such as fear of rejection or humiliation and tells us what might happen if we try to do this. As soon as that type of thought comes into your mind, you must immediately replace it with a positive thought; such as, "Maybe, but I need do this so that I can reach the goal that I set. Then think about all the good things that are connected to reaching that goal: money, awards, satisfaction, or whatever is an expected result of your goal.
One of the results of facing your fears is learning that most of the things you fear are going to happen never do. We waste a lot of emotional energy thinking about what we will do if______________ (You can fill in your own perceived disasters .) That energy would be better used to take the actions needed to achieve our goals. Don't waste time and energy rehearsing disasters. They aren't real; you just think they are.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a line from an old song, "You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative..." I think the next words are: "And don't mess with Mr in between," but I'm not sue if that is exact. Anyway, it is a good point: Don't anticipate the worst, expect the best, and work towards making the best happen. Perhaps that "in between" stuff could be compared to dithering, not going one way or another.
