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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 22: I think I can? I think I can!

So, which way do say those four words when you repeat your goal? Do you say, 'I think'...meaning, 'I hope' I can reach my goal? Or, do you say 'I think I can do this!' meaning, 'I believe I can do this and I am doing it!' Saying it the first way is wishful thinking with more doubt than confidence. Saying it the second way expresses confidence. In another book I looked at recently, (As you may have guessed, I do a lot of reading), I came across this quote, "Confidence is the first step to getting what you want or need."
Confidence is what you believe about yourself. Sometimes we get that confused with trust. Both qualities are important but they are not the same thing. I have some fear of heights. So, before I use a ladder, I always make sure that the ladder I'm going to use is sturdy. I check to make sure that I have all four legs set on level ground and I test it out before I start to climb. When it is all set up, I have complete trust that the ladder will hold me. However, I am still nervous and a little shaky on that ladder because I don't have confidence in me. I know that I will start to get a little dizzy and I am afraid that I will lose my footing and fall. So,because I don't have confidence in me, I don't do well on ladders.
When you first set your goal, it was important that you knew that what you were focusing on was worthwhile and achievable. You needed to know that so that you had trust in where you were going. The purpose of setting this focus wasn't to build your trust in the target; the purpose was to build confidence in yourself. If you don't believe in you; you won't reach your goal.
One of my favorite books as a kid was "The Little Engine that Could." That little engine had to pull a big load up a very steep hill. All the way up that hill he kept repeating, "I think I can....I think I can..." At first he said it slowly but gradually he said it faster and faster..."I-think-I-can..IthinkIcan...IthinkIcan................AND he did! So can you!

1 comment:

  1. Very good. I see you're back on track. This time, no pun intended.
